Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What am i supposed to do? stupid teen depression for no apparent reason please help. any advice?

please take the time to read it....

i'm a female whose still in high school. im on winter break as are most kids. i have friends and i'm involved in clubs and sports at my school. i get good grades and have a typical homelife. sure, my life isnt perfect but there isn't any reason why i should be depressed. i just feel so empty and i cant find any meaning in life. i dont want to kill myself but i dont feel like i have the will to live. i just feel like i'm running in circles. i dont know where i'm going or who i want to be. it sounds so cliche but i feel like i live the same day over and over again. i feel like somethings gotta give. i dont want anything to go wrong obviously but it would add something to my life. i'm constantly afraid of screwing up things for myself or hurting others so ive never had a boyfriend but its not because guys dont like me i just dont like getting too emotionally involved for fear of getting hurt. these are supposed to be the best years of my life but i feel like im just trying to get by. i dont want to have any regrets and i want to look back on these years and just be like wow, it couldnt have been any better. i just feel like the world is a bad place and i feel so helpless like theres nothing i can do that will change it. my life isnt bad but i just see so much hurt and suffering in the world and nothing i do, no matter how hard i try i'm still nothing. theres people who love me but i feel like if i died it wouldnt matter. its not that i expect the world to stop but i have nothing to show for my life. i know i'm young but i feel so helpless and that i have nothing to offer the world. i'm kinda shy but i'm not ';emo'; or anything. im just so frustrated, lonely, and empty. i should be happy and excited for christmas but i just look outside at the snow and even the weather makes me depressed. i just sleep all day and avoid hanging out with people that invite me to do things for really no reason at all. im simply never satisfied especially with my looks. i know it just sounds like teen angst. i'm really not looking for sympathy and i feel stupid asking over the internet but its truely my last resort. what now? how do i move forward with my life? i dont really have a religon but i kinda want to believe in god but idk... any advice would be appreciated, i'm desperate ):

thanksWhat am i supposed to do? stupid teen depression for no apparent reason please help. any advice?
Your question isn't different from most teens who have a great life and have good grades but are still depressed. I'm 22 so I went through this phase as well when I was in highschool. Everything you said is just a result of being mentally depressed and feeling like there is nothing in the world that could make you laugh or snap out of this neverending nightmare of worry, depression and helplessness. What I did was go to the doctor and tell them what you just told me. She gave me Zoloft and the first time I took it, it felt like every thought in my head that spelled worry stopped and I felt like me again. All you need is some extra love from your parents and some good heart to heart chat with your friends. It seems like a far cry for help right now but it isn't. If you feel that going to the doctor is a little terrifying, ask your mom to go with you. Antidepressants do not cost very much at all(some don't, others such as Effexor are about 10 bucks a pill unless you have insurance). Seriously try to get in contact with people close to you and go out after you get your meds. Go see a funny movie, splurge on some cake, go play with a dog. Do something that you normally wouldn't do and I gaurantee you'll see through all this pain. I've been there before. It really will pass.

Best wishes

-LyssaLadyWhat am i supposed to do? stupid teen depression for no apparent reason please help. any advice?
I feel like I have just read a page out of my journal (if i actually kept one)..seriously tho, I completely understand how you feel. When it comes to religion idk what to believe. I choose to be agnostic for now, believe in some higher power, not knowing exactly what it is. I think the best hope for us is knowing that this will pass soon, eventually I plan on having a career and helping people and not living some generic suburbian lifestyle that makes me feel so boring. Thats what keeps my sane at least..and as for using yahoo..i know its rediculous and I still do it because idk where else to turn..but if you want to email me you can..
many people feel that way, its because you're human

its hard when bad things happen, we feel bad and often cannot do anything to help

that is the way things are

try to be the best you can be, be nice, kind helpful and make it a better world, that can help

enjoy life and see the good around you

there are many reasons to live and enjoy life
Your not that different from a lot of other teenagers out there, so don't feel like the outcast. During your teenage years, so many hormones are raging and they can cause so much confusion in your life. I've been there, as well as many others who may answer this question. Get out with your friends more often and maybe start writing in a journal. I'm an adult now, but I still use a journal. I make it a rule to write one good thing that is happening/or happened in my life that day. It could be as small as:';Today while I was walking back to my car, I spotted a bird that was making a beautiful sound and just stood there and looked at it.';- I would than go on to describe my feelings at that time. Just one good thought a day on paper, followed by details could start you off in a positive thought pattern.
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