I am a senior in high school, and this is my story.
I'd say i had a fairly good childhood. It was a little rough for a bit when my parents split up, but i learned to live with it and haven't felt like its to blame for the way I am now. Although, my dad is an alcoholic and pot head. I believe I am going to end up like him, possibly a little better but definitely not where I'd like to be years from now. Now is when I need to focus, and get my act together. Learn from the mistakes I've made recently.
Over the summer I lost my license and earned myself a grand total of 75 hrs of community service to work off for an underage alcohol possession charge. Its been a rough month trying to deal with no car and spending time doing community service after school with the janitors. It's really hurting the schedule I already have trouble balancing. Right now I am also working at a restaurant, trying to focus on school, figure what in the world im going to do with my life next year, and all of the regular stress that comes from being in high school.
It's finally come to me that it is time to change a few things in my life, the biggest being the partying (which has been smoking and drinking anytime possible). I'm not sure if everyone else feels this in life or if I should really been paranoid. Maybe I should be scared of turning out like the people I work with. I'm a host a restaurant, and I'm the youngest person working there. Over the past few weeks I've started to feel like I'm on their same path, and the little common sense i happen to possess (lol) tells me I don't want to be like them when I'm there age. I want to be the cool college bros that come in to grab a beer and a burger, or the hot couple out for a fun night. Not that lame dude stuck behind that counter ever Saturday night.
Im just not sure if i can do this alone. Should I get help? Confess to my parents, see a counselor, turn to my friends for help? or are my friends just dragging me deeper? i don't know which ones i would turn to...maybe online to an old but no longer close friend? Or am I just over reacting? Figure I'll get an anonymous voice first?I'm a teen looking for a little advice on life. Where should I go for help?
A counseller or psychiatristI'm a teen looking for a little advice on life. Where should I go for help?
try going to a psychiatrist or a counselor
keep partying only quitters quit
I've gone through a little more than you have, and was in a similar predicament recently. Yet it has changed around quite a bit since I graduated from high school. The truth is you just have to start caring what the consequences are when you do something stupid, and also more importantly understand the concept of MODERATION! You can still have fun with your friends, still go out and smoke a little, but don't ever let it control your life. When you do use an illegal substance get a nice buzz, don't get slammed or blazed out of your mind; then let it calm down and then do it again. Don't go overboard, plus you notice some extra benefits if you do use moderation, chief among them being it is a lot cheaper.
Good luck man and never let anything drag you down, there is always another way to go
My advice would be to not try to give up your parties and fun altogether, but to slow down enough to try to get focused with where you want to be going with your life. If you don't want to grow up that way, go to a college and do something you enjoy(with some fun in between). If you are still unhappy unless you are high, drunk or drigh(a combination of the two) all of the time you may start to feel empty without it. You need a balance
If you feel like you have a problem with substances, then by all means get help. Also, check into getting student loans for college. You don't want to pick a major yet, just figure out which college you're going to start your general ed at. You probably would do well to fill up some of your party time with other stuff. ';Sober fun'; is what it's called. Good for you for hearing your wake up call.
well, from my experience if you see a counselor, usually you'll get even more pissed off and do worse things.....but friends are a good place to turn as long as you have reliable and good friends. But really it's up to you to take charge, set a goal to where you want to be x number of years from now and work towards it no matter what it takes even if that means being stuck behind the counter every saturday night.
Hey fella, grow up will ya. Smoking weed and drinking at your age or any age is stupid stupid stupid. Your lucky you were nailed for possession and not DUI or DWI, if you get that on your license it never goes away. It follows you just like your school record follows you through out your life. When applying for a job, or to a college, or going into civil service or the military. Forget about your friends, peer pressure got you where you are now. If they were real friends they wouldn't have allowed you to do things wrong. However, since they were doing them, misery loves company, so they urged you to go along with their stupidity and you did. If you don't have the will power within you do to the right thing, then yes I would get help. Go to your priest, doctor, guidance counselor, anyone that will listen and show you a way out. Your a bit old to just be learning right from wrong, but it's never to late to realize the error of your ways and change them to a more positive and productive endeavor. Life is what you make it, it has all to do with the choices we make and the sacrifices we are willing to endure to achieve our goals. Friends, well true friends that have high ideals and career goals and are planning a future for themselves yeah. Friends that want to drink and smoke weed and party hearty, aren't real good role models, unless your goal is to be a shiftless, lazy drunken bum, pot head and ruin some woman's life like your father did. You are the only one that can control you. The choices you make determine your future, make the right choices and reap the rewards, make the wrong choices and suffer the consequences. Don't only learn from your mistakes, but from the mistakes of adults around you like your father and your deadbeat co-workers that don't have lives they have menial jobs and a place to sack out. They made the wrong choices and didn't want to really work hard and plan their future. No one plans to fail they just fail to plan. You can't erect a building without a blueprint and you can build a future without a plan. You don't have to follow in your fathers footsteps if you really don't want to. Pray a lot. Stay close to the Lord. Ask him for strength and guidance. If you want to make something of your life and need a role model, he is the one you should seek out and follow. The Lord is my shepard, ask and he will be yours too.
i personally think that right now you need to buckle down, stop partying %26amp; finish your community service. As for the car, find someone who lives by you, that is reliable %26amp; that you could get along with enough for a ride to school %26amp; back. If there are other places you need to go, see if you can get a friend to give you a ride. Maybe work out some deals with your parents or close neighbors to borrow their car.
you should get help from both a school counselor %26amp; a regular counselor. school counselors can help you figure out what you want to do with your life %26amp; what you need to do to get there. A regular counselor can help you sort out the rest of your life, both personal %26amp; school, work related.
you are not over reacting at all.
(: i hope everything works out!
Listen I've had a rough life too ... my dads an alcohalic and prescription drug addict and he still lives with me and my mom bcuz we have 2 use his pay check 2 get us through the week... I am 15 and I am going 2 college when im 17 to become a pharmacist I don't drink, smoke or do drugs.. Never have... I look @ my dad and think I want to accomplish things in my life I want 2 be nothing like him so that's what im reaching towards... figure out what u wanna do.. Tell ur parents and have them help you... set goals and acheive them. You will be really proud of urself when u do. Good luck bud... also if ur dad is an alcohalic then its in ur blood and u will become 1 too if u don't stop drinkn... research it... im not lieing
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