Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Teen Mommy-To-Be In Need For ALOT Of Advice. . .?

Im 18 %26amp; 32 Weeks Pregnant. I Feel like im showing signs that labor is coming soon. Ive tried asking my mom %26amp; she just freeks me out even more. Im Losing Weight, Leaking From my vagina and breasts, i feel like shes about ready to fall out sometimes because shes pushing down so hard, i have stomach cramps everyday atleast 4-6 times a day, i have headaches, swelling %26amp; im not as hungry as i use to be.

since im so young i realize preterm labor is already a risk. Im just nerves to have a baby in the hospital for weeks because she came to early. my last ultrasound she was 4 lbs, %26amp; a good size for being 32 weeks.

any advice?Teen Mommy-To-Be In Need For ALOT Of Advice. . .?
Your questions need answering. Call your doc and see her today.Teen Mommy-To-Be In Need For ALOT Of Advice. . .?
I was 18 when I had my first and he didnt wanna come OUT so everyone is different... but you will notice alot of different things...

its scary but you will know when your in labor try to relax and not worry about it so much... she shouldnt come out yet only cuz your 32 weeks and still is putting baby fat on...

The leaking is NORMAL i had that too and it freaked me out but just try relaxing it helps...
call your doctor and ask because u could be in early labor im 18 and ill be 32 weeks Wednesday don't be scared if she is 4 ibs that's very good and i say she wont have to stay in the hospital that long if at all because i know a girl that had a baby at 32weeks and got to take her home the same day she went home just call the doctor or the hospital and tell them what is going on
Pray, and don't worry about all the scary stories, because every pregnancy is different, so you can not judge by that. All those thing you described is normal in pregnancies. KEEP YOUR HEAD UP AND YOU BABY IS GOING TO BE JUST FINE.
Like the person before me said, Braxton Hicks contractions are normal. However if your contractions become 2 minutes apart or there is fluid leaking from your vaginal area that cannot be stopped (basically your bag broke) you need to contact your doctor right away.
hi, Sounds like labor could be coming soon for you but if it does,its coming for me too than.Im 34 weeks and 5 days pregnant and im having the same thing to me every day.I have no idea why i don't feel like eating and at my last scan (a week ago) my baby was 4 pounds 3 oz.So my baby is going to be little i guess anyways(like my first, 5 pound 13oz).I stayed in hospital 6 days and sweetie,its not that bad having a baby that small.If you were to go into labor now,they would stop it. As for the leaking from your vagina,that could be just some thrush due to infection near your cervix(like mine and now im on cream) and it doesn't hurt or smell or nothing like that.I thought my water had broken lol.Anyways good luck and congrats on your baby

P.S. i would get checked out by your doctor to see if the fluid you are loosing could be thrush or water.Also from now on,your baby will gain half a pound a week.Good luck
The headaches and swelling may be related to some pregnancy conditions that happen during pregnancy, called Preeclampsia. It usually shows itself with the signs of swelling of the extremities (hands, face, feet especially, pretty much any place that gravity is pulling fluids down).

You need to go to the doctor though. I mean honestly, if you go to the doctor they can give you medications to help stop your labor if this is an issue with your baby, or at least they can give you steriods to help develop the babies lungs a better chance of living if he/she is prematurely born. Going to the doctor is definitely not going to cause you to go into labor, but it definitely could save your life and your babies. If you are developing a pregnancy related disease such as preeclampsia giving birth any other way could cause you to die, and your child.

Good luck and please receive medical attention! It's important!
Welcome to pregnancy! Your body will do all kinds of wierd things. Braxton-Hicks contractions are normal and some women have them early, more regular and harder than other women. Pains like you describe can be nothing...wait for labor....now that is pain! Headaches could be hormonal pains, I had them a lot while pregnant, but if any of your symptoms max out then go to the hospital they are used to seeing first time moms overreacting to what feels like early symptoms of labor. You will know and 18 is not too young to be at such high risk, you are a ';normal'; age for handling pregnancy, just sit tight and rest up for the real thing! Good luck!
I'd say your best bet would be to have your dr do an internal exam at your next appt to see if you've started to become effaced or diliated. All of the symptoms you say are what you possibly think are signs of preterm labor are normal for this point in pregnancy. An increase in discharge from both the breasts and vagina are hormonal changes as your body gets ready for delivery. As are the headaches. Her moving into your birth canal is also normal. You not being hungry is due to all of your organs being squished together to make room for the baby and thus making you feel full longer. I've also lost about 5 lbs since 29 weeks. Good luck, she'll be here very soon!
your going to be ok and so is your little one i had my first son at 16 and he was born at 35 weeks 6lb 5oz, you do get less hungry you don't have as much room because as you get to the end the baby can gain about a 1/2 pound a week! yes it is completely normal for you to be leaking, you may notice you have lost your mucus plus wich is kinda gross lol but it will tell you that u are getting close. everything you have sais is normal. you maybe starting to dialate and eface, which will help your labor go faster! you will know the real contractions come they will get worse as each one comes. and they can feel like really bad cramps in your back, or they can feel like the worst pms cramps. just try to keep a watch with you to keep an eye on the ';cramps'; which are either real contractions or braxton hicks. when they do an internal exam they will be able to tell which kind they were. you could go any time or you can make it the full forty. for the swelling stay off your feet and elevate them. also ice packs on oyur feet amd ankels can help. the pressure is her moving further down the birth canal and into position. make sure tyou are drinking plenty of fluids to keep yourself from becoming dehydrated this could also cause swellin and headaches. i had contractions from 28 weeks on. by the time i was 33 weeks i was 3cm dialated and completely efaced. you will know when it is time i promise you that. i had all natural child birth, and when the baby is coming out your body takes over. it will push the baby out and you can't fight it. but you will know this way ahead of time. as for the baby she should be fine even if you went now. there are amazing things they can do. best of luck
You are young and as a young person,likely very active.

If this is the case then it is possible that your level of activity can be causing pre term labor.

The plus is that active women have it easier in the delivery room.

The minus is your baby needs these last 8 weeks.

Your baby's lungs need just a little more time,although if baby were born now it is unlikely that baby wouldn't be able to breathe on his/her own.

Baby would be too small and frail at 32 weeks as the last 2 months is a time of substantial weight gain for baby. Also while most babies are in the correct position by now,some babies turn later in the pregnancy..meaning there's a possibility baby could be breech.

If I were in the same position I'd see my doctor or head to an ER immediately about the leaking from the vagina as the fluid loss is bad for the baby and possibly dangerous depending on the amount of leakage ...leaking from the breasts is normal as your breasts are preparing to excrete milk for your baby and have already started producing it.Have your mother buy you nursing pads (whether or not you are going to breastfeed you'll need them) they get inserted into your bra and absorb the milk so that your clothing and bras don't get stained or wet.Washing the nipples with mild soap and warm water will ease some discomfort and help prevent the skin on your nipples from cracking and bleeding. Applying a color and scent free lotion or Vaseline to the nipples after washing will help also. Finally,if you are enrolled in school or have a job time off may be in order. I would relax and avoid stress and excessive lifting and bending over until after delivery. Avoid anything that puts pressure on your stomach as this will increase leaking of fluid.Wear loose fitting clothing and try to lay back or recline when sitting.Get up from sitting or laying positions SLOWLY and avoid stomach or side sleeping try to sleep on your back,I know it can be hard but it is best. Make an appointment immediately to see your doctor about the fluid you are losing,stay hydrated drink water,vitamin water,Gatorade or even Pedialyte so that your body can replace the lost fluid and electrolytes.I'd also start wearing a maxi pad to monitor the amount of fluid that is leaking.IF AT ANY point in time you feel a gush of fluid bigger than usual or that feels as though you may have peed yourself or any discharge of fluid that is followed by cramping pains get to a hospital IMMEDIATELY as this is a sign of labor and could indicate that your water has broken.It's unfortunate to hear that your doctor's an ***...it is true that it's harder to find care later on in pregnancy.You could contact a midwife for advice and help these last few months or upon one of the many ';I think I'm in labor'; hospital false alarm visits you are guaranteed to have ahead of you....tell the hospital about your problems and that your physician is unresponsive and appears not to be concerned. Tell them that you don't feel comfortable with him delivering your baby and they'll happily arrange for one of their doctors to at the very least take you on until delivery. :)

Congratulations on your little one and BEST of luck!!!
Well, I would say the water is ambiotic fluid, but I would consult a GP to see if this is normal, or if you're going to have a premature baby. As for labor being a higher risk at a younger age, that's a myth, it depends on the person and genetics. There are fifteen year olds that give birth just fine while a woman in her twenties and thirties will have minor to severe complications. To elaborate on that statement, there was a reason why girls were married off at 15 and 16 in the Edwardian era- because young women are extremely fertile and have easier pregnancies, so I don't know where you're getting the information that this is going to be a hard birth because you're on the young side of normal for having a child. Too bad your mother is being immature about this, it's not like you're 12, I'm getting so sick of the media condemning girls who are 16 and over for conceiving and having children- sh*t happens. Like I said, contact your GP to make sure this is normal, and tell your mother to grow up.
Thats normal in pregnancy i went in to pre term labor at 33wks and the stop it and i was still having contractions until i had my son and he was 2wks early if ur doctor thinks ur going into pre term then he or she will send u to the hospital!
First off you are not a teen mommy 18 is of legal age. Second, please sit down, and put your feet up, so that if you are in early labor, you can slow things down a little. What you are feeling in your lower abdomen or stomach is your pelvis stretching preparing for delivery or what is known as Braxton-Hicks. All the headaches and edema is not unusual during pregnancy. That's why putting your feet up is helpful to reduce the swelling. This happens to most women or mommy's to be during pregnancy. These are your last few weeks, and you are just tired of being pregnant and all sort of things are going to go through your head as you become closer to delivery. If after sitting down and elevating your feet doesn't ease some of these symptoms then of course PLEASE CONTACT YOUR OB/GYN.
no..no labor. just seems like regular aches and pains associated with that last trimester on its way....i hate to be the one to tell you that the closer you get to the ending the more uncomfortable it can get..don't worry about your mom she is more nervous than you cause you are her baby having a baby..she is gonna have a hard time seeing you in that much pain
  • the bees
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